Search Results
Chris Wylie, Facebook and the dark side of social media | The Listening Post
Lifting the lid on Facebook's surveillance machinery | The Listening Post
Facebook's promise | A news feed with less news | The Listening Post
Christopher Wylie: Why I broke the Facebook data story – and what should happen now[DIE NEWS]
Facebook's liberal bias: the truth about your newsfeed - Listening Post (Lead)
Chris Wylie BLASTS Andrew Scheer as Cheap Politics | Cambridge Analytica Facebook Whistleblower
Are Facebook and Google censoring content? | The Listening Post (Feature)
Former Cambridge Analytica Employee Speaks in London
🇬🇧 🇷🇺 Headlines and Hyperbole: Covering the Sergei Skripal story | The Listening Post
PDCM Podcast | The Dark Side Of Social Media
Free to State: One-on-One with Cambridge Analytica whistleblower Christopher Wylie
Social Media Giant Facebook Rocked by Privacy Scandals